Monday, December 26, 2011

Sweet Baby Cupcake - Unique Gift Idea

!±8± Sweet Baby Cupcake - Unique Gift Idea

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Sweet&Sassy Cupcakes

Sweet & Sassy Cupcakes on Main Street in Newark is a unique treat for those looking for a delicious dessert & fun funky gift items. Produced by Bridget Leahy

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adorable Flower Girls

!±8± Adorable Flower Girls

One of the cutest parts of any wedding is the flower girl. Their sweetness, enthusiasm, and unpredictable nature make flower girls absolutely charming. When it comes to flower girls, the more the merrier!

Flower girls should be between the ages of about two and nine years old. Their role in the wedding, besides being adorable, is to precede the bride up the aisle. Traditionally, we think of flower girls as scattering rose petals in front of the bride's path. The idea was that the bride's life would be happy and filled with flowers. However, if your ceremony is indoors, the church or venue may not permit petals or confetti to be dropped on the floor, so be sure to check in advance.

There are some other very lovely alternatives to scattered petals. The flower girl could carry a beautifully decorated white basket, either filled with rose petals (to carry, not toss), or flowers. For a slightly older flower girl, you could give her a floral pomander to carry down the aisle. Pomanders are flower covered round balls hanging from pretty ribbons. They also look very romantic suspended from trees at a outdoor wedding.

Another nice option for a flower girl is to give her a miniature replica of your bouquet. This is what I did at my wedding, and it was very easy for the flower girl to manage, even though she was only two and a half years old. A little bouquet can also be a fun idea for an older flower girl, who may feel honored to carry something similar to the adults in the wedding.

In some families, there are quite a few young relations that the bride and groom would like to include in the wedding. If that is true for you, by all means, invite them all to be flower girls. A very sweet idea is to have each flower girl carry a single long-stemmed flower (such as a rose) down the aisle. When the bride arrives at the altar, each little girls hands her a flower, which the bride holds as an arm bouquet. It is a very touching part of the ceremony.

The children in a wedding usually take their jobs very seriously. Besides the bride, the flower girl is often the most excited participant in the wedding. Show the little ones in your wedding how much you appreciate their enthusiasm by including them in as many of the pre-wedding festivities as possible. Flower girls love to attend bridal showers, bridesmaids' luncheons, and rehearsal dinners. Treat them to special flower girl gifts. Wonderful flower girl gifts include silver lockets, tiny pearl necklaces, and charm bracelets. As part of the present, you could also give her one of the great books that are written about flower girls. This would be especially nice for a shy little girl who is nervous about what to expect at the wedding.

Little girls are very romantic. They love to get all dolled up in a twirly party dress and wear a wreath of flowers. If you choose to have a flower girl at your wedding, not only will she be a charming part of your day, but you will be giving her a very special memory. When she grows up, your flower girl may even decide to have a wedding just like yours.

Adorable Flower Girls

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Friday, December 2, 2011

5 Simple Steps to Cook Healthy Nutritious Food

!±8± 5 Simple Steps to Cook Healthy Nutritious Food

Every night when you go home, you have to make a decision about what to have for dinner. For the most part, we would like to eat nutritious food, but many of us didn't grow up learning how to cook healthy meals. If you're watching your health, eating out is not the best option, so most people look in their cookbooks for recipes. This isn't always the best solution, because recipes lie. But, if you know the right way, it's very easy to cook nutritious food every night of the week.

This is the process that many people go through:

1. You come home from work, and have to start planning dinner.
2. You've already cooked the 5 things you know how to cook this week.
3. You need more ideas,
4. You look through the pantry, consider calling for pizza...

It's not only exhausting, but you have to re-educate yourself every single night. It's not going to get you the results you want or deserve for yourself and your family. If you're looking to cook more nutritious food at home, save time and have endless cooking ideas, you're in the right place.

There are 5 simple steps to cooking with fresh ingredients.

Step 1: Get Fresh Ingredients

• The first step for using fresh, seasonal ingredients is to actually GET some.
• This could be the most difficult step for many of you that are used to the huge mega-mart grocery store.

There are alternatives. My eyes were opened to more alternatives during my trip to Paris, France. The food culture in Paris is so much different from where I live in the US. There were very few corporate "chain" restaurants there.

Many of the restaurants were small, 10 table places where there were three people on staff, the chef, the maitre d' and the dish washer. They had their service each night and went home. Each time I asked why their food tasted so good, they all had the same answer. And, not a single person bragged about their recipes.

Instead, I was told that I needed fresh, simple ingredients. I discovered that I needed to examine where my food is coming from. This doesn't mean simply the store where you shop, but what is the country of origin for your food. Think about how you feel about your money going to another country when there are farmers in your community that need your help. Now think about how long ago that vegetable was harvested in the far away country, and what happened to it during its travels.

It might be inconvenient to drive past dozens of mega-marts to find a farmers market. But you may find that there's a local produce roadside stand near you that you've avoided. In my case, I signed up for "The Produce Box" which delivers fresh community supported agriculture to my doorstep. Fresh is important because fruits and vegetables degrade as soon as they're picked.

• Nutrients are lost
• They become visually unappealing
• Harder to cook successfully
• Loss of flavor!

Step 2: Select the freshest ingredients when you shop Be aware of what you're choosing, even if you shop at the local produce stand or farmers market. Some items may still be fresher than others and the most nutritious, healthy food is the freshest. You have to be even more aware if you shop at the local mega grocery. In understanding how to cook healthy, you need to be able to understand the difference between fresh food and food that has been ripened artificially or is not ripe at all. Do you know how to tell a fresh orange or grapefruit? Did you know that color is NOT an indicator of freshness in peaches?

Step 3: Storing Fresh Ingredients For maximum shelf life, nutritional preservation and budget savings, there are three issues in storing fresh ingredients:

1. Moisture
2. Air circulation
3. Temperature

Not everything can be thrown in to the drawer in the refrigerator and preserve their freshness. In fact, some things will suffocate in a plastic bag. Other produce will need to be wrapped tightly to retain moisture. Other items will need to be kept cold, while others will degrade under the cold.

Step 4: Master a few basic cooking techniques At the very least, master the following techniques:

1. Understanding the transfer of heat
2. Saute method
3. Know how to make sassy sauces

But there are so many more. All of the basic methods in cooking are covered in my live cooking classes. Giving you the tools to understand these basic methods is what makes my approach to teaching cooking so unique and why people rave about my Web Cooking Classes. Web Cooking Classes empowers you with a thorough understanding of basic methods which allows you to cook and create without a reliance on recipes. Pure freedom!

Step 5: Finishing the Process with Fresh Herbs This is the number one question I get during my live cooking classes: Q: "Which herbs to use and how much to use?" A: "Use the ones you like."

Seriously! Use your nose to see what it reminds you of, use the ones that you like and use as much as you like.

You want to know my number one herb secret? Herbs go last! Fresh herbs should not be cooked. In fact, just the heat of the finished dish is enough to release the aromas of fresh herbs.

These are the secrets that chefs know about how to cook healthy which are so easy to incorporate into your every day cooking. You can cook nutritious food that you want to eat for your health and for how wonderful it tastes.

5 Simple Steps to Cook Healthy Nutritious Food

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Teen Birthday Cake Ideas - A Perfect Package For Your Sweet Sixteener

!±8± Teen Birthday Cake Ideas - A Perfect Package For Your Sweet Sixteener

For a teenage girl, it is only a delightful experience to be given a sweet sixteen birthday party! This is the time which marks the start of the development of her sense of independence as she begins her journey of getting absorbed into the adult world.

For today, the sweet sixteen birthday party is kind of extravagant and elaborate. Due to the term "sweet sixteen", most teens today think of none other than but a candy themed birthday celebration.

With this, the color schemes to be adopted could be the pastel ones such as the light pink or blue. Apart from all these, the teen birthday cake idea that has to be adopted should be something that could create a statement.

As your daughter would prefer a candy themed party, candy canes may be used to highlight the design of the birthday celebration. They may be glued together so that a heart shape is formed. The personalized candies and chocolate bars mark a wonderful decoration.

Another teen birthday cake idea that maybe considered is the tropical design. Of course the theme of the event should also bear the connection of the tropical design. If you'd rather adopt this, the venue may be decorated with palm trees, some bright colors, and the tiki lamps too. You may serve the guests with daiquiris and non-alcoholic pina coladas. The party would be best if it is held in a backyard, beach, or park.

If your sweet sixteener would rather have a casual celebration, a bowling alley or skating rink may be rented where snack bars and other arcades may be available for easy access. The traditional blowing of the teen birthday cake and the singing of the happy birthday song may be devoted with a little time whereas majority of the time in the event is dedicated to enjoying the available amenities and activities.

Theme parks are also fun especially when her birthday falls on a summer month. Usually, the theme parks pose discounts in the afternoon.

Moreover, whatever kind of party your child wants to push through, it is the role of the teen birthday cake idea to adjust to the party theme. It needs to get coordinated with the actual theme because it would serve as a miniature of the event.

There are shops that specialize in these teen birthday cake ideas and you could let them take care of the best cake you want your daughter to enjoy.

Teen Birthday Cake Ideas - A Perfect Package For Your Sweet Sixteener

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hot Drinks Recipes

!±8± Hot Drinks Recipes

During those winter months, many times our thoughts wander to hot chocolate, hot flavored coffees, or special ice cream drinks. Steaming mugs of hot chocolate are just the thing for children and adults alike after building a snowman outside and freezing your fingers to the bone. What better way to welcome friends and family into your home than with the scent of freshly brewed coffee? Here are a few recipes that will not only taste great, but they can be made for one person or for larger family and friend get-togethers. They'll also make anyone who visits your home feel special and that you were glad they came to see you.

Ice Cream and Chocolate Drink

Using your blender, combine whipping cream, a generous helping (several scoops) of your favorite flavor of ice cream, some pecan nuts (make sure no one is allergic!), a banana, and some chocolate syrup. This yummy combo would look great in a tall glass and garnished with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, a few nuts, and a sprig of mint. This version isn't low-fat, but it could easily be made with low-fat ice cream and low-fat chocolate syrup to cut a few calories.


This is a delicious hot drink for those cold winter afternoons, or for snuggling up in front of the fire.

Begin by grinding your favorite espresso coffee beans in a coffee mill or grinder. Brew the espresso as you would have otherwise. While that is brewing, combine a few tablespoons of sugar and a dash of cinnamon in a small bowl.

You'll need a small saucepan and a vanilla bean. Using a small paring knife, scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into the small saucepan. Add milk (around four cups) to the saucepan and scald over medium heat for about five minutes. Remove the bean and milk mixture from the heat, add some chopped bittersweet chocolate, and stir until the chocolate melts. Place this mixture over low heat and cover it to keep it warm.

Next, divide the freshly brewed espresso into four coffee mugs. In a blender, whip half of the warm chocolate milk mixture at a low speed. Little by little, increase the speed to high and blend the mixture until it is frothy. Pour the remainder of the chocolate milk mixture from the saucepan into the coffee mugs (with the coffee), stir once and then top each mug with some of the frothy milk from the blender. To garnish, top with whipped cream and sprinkle the cinnamon sugar blend on top. It would look really special with a few chocolate shavings on top as well.

Hot Chocolate

Rich and creamy, this hot chocolate is sure to please even your most discerning chocolate lover.

Begin by breaking up four squares of baking chocolate into a small saucepan. Add two cups of milk (skim or 2% - it's your choice) and a few drops of vanilla (the real stuff is best). Heat over medium heat until the chocolate has melted, but don't let it boil, or it will have a burned taste. Once the chocolate is melted, whisk the mixture until it is foamy and then pour it into large mugs. Garnish this chocolate goodness with a dollop of whipped cream, cinnamon and a dash of cloves.

Hot Drinks Recipes

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Lactose-Free Cooking

!±8± Lactose-Free Cooking

Along with 30-50 million Americans, I am lactose intolerant. My digestive system cannot break down the milk sugar, lactose, that is found in dairy products.

As I developed lactose intolerance a few years ago, I quickly learned that I have to give up my favorite foods in order to be symptom free. Milk gave me gas, after eating sour cream I would wake up in the middle of the night with abdominal pain, yogurt would leave me bloated for days, so I reached for soy products. After having tried several types of soy milk, and other soy products that are not even close in taste to the real thing, I was ready to just give in and stop enjoying rich and creamy dishes.

One day, one of my co-writers told me that she had enjoyed being lactose-free for a while and has modified many of her favorite recipes so that they do not contain milk, but taste as if almost nothing changed! She even teamed up with a nurse practitioner to write a cookbook with a collection of rich and creamy lactose-free recipes. Once the book was in print, I bought a copy and sceptically opened it up. I was was pleasantly surprised to find suggestions on milk substitutes, tips on dining out, and above all a collection of recipes that sounded very inviting and RICH & CREAMY!

I tried most of the recipes in the cookbook already. I want to share a couple of my favorite ones in this article:


3 (6 ounce) vanilla soy yogurts, custard-style
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
½ cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons gelatin
4 tablespoons water

1 small box strawberry-flavored Jell-O
1 cup water, divided
1 cup sliced strawberries

In a mixing bowl, combine yogurt, vanilla flavoring, and powdered sugar until smooth.

In a small bowl, pour 4 tablespoons of water over gelatin and let sit until hard. Microwave the hardened gelatin until it becomes liquid, then add to the yogurt mixture. Stir until smooth.

Pour the mixture into a small spring-form. Refrigerate until set. When the yogurt is set, arrange sliced strawberries on top.

Dissolve Jell-O in ½ cup boiling water. Add ½ cup cold water. When tepid, pour Jell-O over the strawberries and refrigerate until Jell-O is set.

Serve with Cool-Whip.


1 pound thickly sliced bacon
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, finely sliced
2 carrots, peeled and finely diced
2 celery stalks, finely diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cubed
2 cups split peas
8 cups vegetable stock
1 bay leaf
salt, pepper to taste
2 small cans od green chilies (optional)

In a medium skillet, cook the bacon until done. Transfer onto a plate covered with a paper towel, and set aside.

In a large soup pot, add olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions and cook until slightly softened. Add the carrots and celery, and cook for 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute.

Add potatoes, peas, stock, and bay leaf, season with salt and pepper, and bring to simmer. Cook for about 45 minutes, until peas are soft. At the end, stir in bacon and chilies and cook for another 5 minutes.

For a creamy twist, add a bit of Sassy Sour Cream. For how to make two versions of this sour cream, consult the cookbook.

Lactose-Free Cooking

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Creative Ideas For Homemade Presents

!±8± Creative Ideas For Homemade Presents

Nothing is more impressive and touching than giving a present that you personally made and prepared. These are also more inexpensive compared to items in a gift shop.

Here are some simple yet brilliant gift ideas:

Speedy No Cook Food Gift ideas

A present from your very own kitchen will not only fill the tummy but will warm the heart as well. You do not have to be elaborate and grand. Little, personal touches will make a big difference. Collate your family's favorite recipes. Then, you can either print those recipes on lovely paper (with the recipient's favorite color) or write them onto a gaudy paper.

a. Buy some fresh veggies, spices, or tiny herbs and arrange them in a sweet, nice-looking basket or bin. Insert a card containing your well-loved menu for using each veggies or herb. This gift is ideal for a mommy on-the-go, a new bride wishing to experiment new recipes for her hubby, or for someone who loves to cook.

b. Grab a pack or two of mouth-watering and attractive candy sticks or canes. Dip them in sweet strawberry or chocolate melts (or any flavor of your choice) and allow them to solidify. Wrap in different colors of cellophanes with bows that will serve as coffee stirrers. Place them in an appealing beverage mug. Sweet tooth and coffee lovers will beam with delight with this homemade present.

c. Stuff a heavy, big oven mitten with delectable pistachio nuts or jellybeans (spiced or conventional) and knot with a vibrant trimming.

d. Gifts in a jar are wonderful for families with kids. Fill them with jelly ace, candy sprinklers, or cookies (chocolate chips, macaroons, brownies, or oatmeal). You can slip in a customized recipe for a darling cookie. You can also fill jars or bags with cupcakes, breads and packaged items like boxed milk, liquid or powder juices, tasty soup mixes, or connoisseur peppercorns.

Wonderful Wearables
Wearables make beautiful presents like beaded jewelries, hair clips, hats, t-shirts, and caps. You can expend your artistic imagination and employ a lot of inspired patterns, techniques, and materials to create your own craft.

No Sew Sassy Sachet
There may be colorful, attractive fabrics just sitting on your drawers for some time now. You can use them to make lovely sachets that will hold potpourris. Simple sewing is needed. Even children can try with assistance from adults.

To create a single sachet, set two identical 6-inch box-shaped cloths back-to-back. Glue or stitch the edgings on three sides. Stuff the sachet with roughly half a cup of potpourri. Fasten together the remaining open edge. You now have a superb perfumed sachet. After making several sachets, organize them in bright, colorful heaps and knot them as one using a cheerful string or ribbon.

Creative Ideas For Homemade Presents

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